The following pages and posts are tagged with

Navtabs Page Navtabs provide a tab-based navagation directly in your content, allowing users to click from tab to tab to see different panels of content. Navtabs are espe...
Pages Page This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
Posts Page You can use posts when you want to create blogs or news type of content.
Syntax highlighting Page You can apply syntax highlighting to your code. This theme uses pygments and applies color coding based on the lexer you specify.
Tables Page You can format tables using either multimarkdown syntax or HTML. You can also use jQuery datatables (a plugin) if you need more robust tables.
YAML tutorial in the context of Jekyll Page YAML is a format that relies on white spacing to separate out the various elements of content. Jekyll lets you use Liquid with YAML as a way to parse through...